Monday, August 20, 2012

Come on baby, we want to meet you!!!

Well it's getting to the day I never thought would come!! August 21st is tomorrow and it doesn't look like my little Kimber wants to come yet! We are getting so anxious I dont think Larry or I will make it much longer, so she better hurry up! :P I went to the doctor last friday and still no change, she's in position but I'm 50% effaced and not dilated AT ALL!! How discouraging! Doctor scheduled my induction just in case she doesn't come on her own by the night of the 28th at midnight (so I guess technically the 29th) so I guess at least I know she'll be here sometime around then for sure! haha
Anyways not a whole lot is new besides moving and baby stuff. My parents bought a house in Cedar City and it's lovely but the moving process sure takes a long time!! Nana and Papa are here from Virginia for the little stinkers arrival. We got her crib and stuff set up and I think everything else is ready! :)

                   This picture was during set up so it's not totally done in this pic but you get the point. lol

Also, in the moving process, my mom found a sweatshirt that she got when she was pregnant with me.

How far along? 39 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain: +32

Maternity clothes? YES!

Stretch marks? Sadly yes, I do have a few. :(

Sleep: Pretty much no sleep unless it's naps.

Best moment this week: We had a little baby shower in Cedar.

Movement: She's gonna be a dancer thats for sure! :P

Food cravings: Pretty much anything... All I have been thinking about lately is FOOD!! It's terrible!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been pretty good actually :)

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Well she's been moving a ton and I've had contractions, but I'm still not dilated and only 50% effaced.

Belly Button in or out? Its mostly an out-y at this point!

Wedding rings on or off? My rings have been off for a couple months!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Kinda Grouchy! I will admit it, I'm getting to the point where I just want to hold her! :)

Looking forward to: HER ARRIVAL!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks and 2 days

Total weight gain: +24

Maternity clothes? Nothing else fits!! lol

Stretch marks? So far so good.

Sleep: Sleeping on the couch really helps me... Especially with my body pillow! 

Best moment this week:
Nothing too exciting this week, but last week we had a little baby shower in circleville :)

Movement: All the time!

Food cravings: Those dang Snickers with Almonds are my weakness!!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been pretty good actually :)

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: I've been having BH contractions and so much back pain I could cry! :P

Belly Button in or out? Its mostly an out-y at this point!

Wedding rings on or off? My rings have been off for weeks.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting pretty antsy!!

Looking forward to: My dr. appointment this next week, we're doing another ultrasound to see if she's getting ready for her arrival! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Our cute little Cucumber! :)

We are getting closer and closer! I hadn't updated since 25 weeks so I figured I'd better update! :)

How far along? 30 weeks and 3 days

Total weight gain: +18!!!! ahhhh!!

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah!

Stretch marks? So far so good.

Sleep: If I fall asleep before the kicking and jabbing starts then it's not too bad.. But she is most active at night and it can often keep me awake! :P

Best moment this week: 
Courtney and I were just chillin watching a movie and I lifted my shirt over my belly and it looked like an alien was about to bust out! It was the weirdest/coolest thing to feel! :) 

Movement: Almost 24/7!

Food cravings: Those dang pretzels with cheese in them! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been pretty good actually :)

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks Contractions.. not the funnest! 

Belly Button in or out? Its still an "inny" but as Larry likes to point out and tease me about... it's getting very very close to being an "outy"!

Wedding rings on or off? My rings are officially OFF! They still fit but it's very uncomfortable when my fingers swell up around them.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! Getting WAY excited!!

Looking forward to: Counting down the days till we meet her! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

One Year Anniversary... No big deal ;P

Last week I posted a random post and completely forgot to mention something very important!!!
Our One Year Anniversary!! hahaha How could I forget right?! Ok so last Monday May 7th was our one year wedding anniversary, I cannot believe how fast it's gone! 
So we didn't do anything too exciting... we just chilled all day and then Larry made a VERY gourmet meal of grilled Chili Dogs! But I must say it was my fault cause it was the only thing that sounded good to me at the time.  lol (weird pregnancy!)
I pulled the top of our cake out of freezer on Sunday morning and it was hilarious cause when I opened it up I noticed that there were REAL wilted daisies frozen to the top of the cake. hahaha When my mom and dad were cleaning up after the wedding, they were wrapping the cake and completely forgot to take the flowers off the top cause they were so busy! :P Anyways the cake ended up tasting pretty good surprisingly for a old frozen cake. haha
All I have to say is that I had no idea I could love Larr more than I did when we first got married but as the days go by, I learn more about him and I love him even more! :) 
Happy Anniversary Babe! Many more to come!!!

May 7, 2011

Our FRESH Chocolate and Bavarian Cream Cake 

Happy 1st Anniversary May 7, 2012

Our Chocolate and Strawberry Milk Toast

Not so nice this time!

And he sure got brave!!!

This picture is definitely attractive!  lol

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cauliflower and a little bit of rambling...

Ok so I'm 25 weeks and 3 days now! I can't believe that it's going so quick... well I'm sure it will until I get close and really anxious! lol Anyways not a whole lot has happened this week with the babe, just feeling A LOT of movement and getting more and more uncomfortable as the days go by! 
In other news, my cat Lily got really sick yesterday. She was running around being her normal ol' self all morning then all the sudden became really lethargic. She looks a little better today, won't eat but will drink water, so thats good. But we shall see.. hopefully she just has a little bug and will get over it soon. 
Courtney is graduating soon and my Nana and Papa are coming out from Virginia for a few weeks. :)

Ok now that I've rambled on a little bit, I will do my 25 week update. 

How far along? 25 Weeks

Total weight gain: +9 (feels like more!!)

Maternity clothes? Yep

Stretch marks? I have spotted a few faint lines coming in... :( Gonna have to double up on the belly butter! lol

Sleep: Not very good, hard to get comfy!

Best moment this week:
Umm.. not a whole lot new this week.

Movement: A lot! Especially while the family plays our usual game of Phase 10 at night.

Food cravings: Ok must be a cereal thing I'm going through cause this week it's been Fruit Loops! Also Ice Cream Sandwiches!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been pretty good actually :)

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Just the usual aches and pains.

Belly Button in or out? In but definitely getting shallower as the weeks go by

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Of course I'm always happy just ask Larr ;P

Looking forward to: My grandparents coming out to visit! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Papaya :)

The size of a Papaya! :) I am now 23 weeks along and feeling our little girl move on a regular basis now! Every night as I lay down to go to sleep that's when the party begins :P Larry got to feel her for the first time on Saturday April 21st FINALLY! hahah Oh and I felt the first hiccups just a couple hours ago, weirdest thing to watch your whole belly jump every couple minutes. lol

23 Weeks
(Oh don't worry, all the cool kids take their own pregnancy pics in the bathroom! :P Just ignore the toilet paper roll hahah)
How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain: +8

Maternity clothes? Yeah 

Stretch marks? Not yet

Sleep: Not too bad! :)

Best moment this week: 
Larry felt her move for the first time on April 21st!!

Movement: Yep, every night while I'm trying to go to sleep! :)

Food cravings: I've been eating frosted mini wheats and watermelon like crazy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still don't even want to think of Donuts!

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Back and neck aches

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Sooo Excited!!!!!

Looking forward to: Maybe going on a "babymoon" for our anniversary. :P

Thursday, April 12, 2012

And the verdict is...

Ok so this is way overdue but THE VERDICT IS...

 Looks like we're gonna have a little girl!! We are soo excited! The Ultrasound Tech got two pictures of it being a "her" so hopefully thats good enough to be sure! ;) The name we've picked for our little darlin' is Kimber Lynn Crose and we cannot wait to meet her!!

How far along? 21 Weeks

Total weight gain: +6 total

Maternity clothes? Yep, still not filling them out though.

Stretch marks? Not yet

Sleep: Besides my back and hips hurting, not too bad.

Best moment this week:
Feeling more and more movement. :)

Movement: Yep, felt a little wiggling! March 19, 2012...17 weeks and 6 days along!

Food cravings: CORN DOGS!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Do NOT even mention DONUTS around me!!! :(

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Still terrible headaches!

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!! :)

Looking forward to: Going little girl shopping!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Will Baby Crose be a BOY or GIRL???

I'm now 17 weeks! Larry bought me the coolest thing the other day, Sonoline B Fetal Doppler! Its totally cool and its easy to find and hear the heartbeat. Makes me a little more relieved about how things are cooking in there! :)

Ok so on the 27th we are going in for our 3D ultrasound to find out what our little munchkin is! I thought it'd be fun to do the Old Wives Tales to see how accurate they are. Here are the results:

Boy=                    Girl=
For me?!
Heart Rate
<140bpm             >140bpm
145 = Girl
Salty/sour               Sweet
Salty/Sour= Boy
Pee & baking soda
Fizzy                     No fizz
No fizz= Girl
No acne          Stealing beauty
Acne= Girl
String & Needle
Back&fourth         Circle
Back & fourth= Boy
Morning Sickness
Mild                      Horrible
Mild = Boy
Chinese Calendar
Age and month of conception determines
Predicted Girl
Bump Position
Low                          high
Carrying Low =Boy
Old Wives Question Test                        

55% BOY 45% Girl

4 Girl
5 Boy

Ok so if the wives tales calculations are correct it looks like we'll be seeing BLUE! We shall see on the 27th!! :) I asked my friends on Facebook which they thought and so far it's pretty even... Keep guessing cause I'm keeping a tally just for fun! We have a 50/50 shot. lol

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 16...Avocado!!

Ok so I forgot to post my very first ultrasound pic at 7 weeks! Cant really see anything, but it's still cute ;)

7 week Ultrasound

Alright, so I am now 16 weeks and 2 days, the baby is the size of an avocado! I'm feeling bigger but its definitely not looking like pregnancy "bump" yet. I haven't taken any pictures as I grow yet so I figured I'd do the "FACEBOOK" thing and take it through the mirror! (yes, I know this is very lame :P)! But hey, gotta start somewhere!

 16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks and 2 days

Total weight gain: +1 

Maternity clothes? Yep dont fill them out yet but they're a lot more comfy!

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Not very good... still waking up to pee or get situated!

Best moment this week: 
Nothing too eventful this week, Going in for a 3D ultrasound on March 27th!

Movement: Nothing that I know of yet. Cant wait!! :D

Food cravings: PB&J sandwiches and Corn Nuts, Not together though :P!! Still Mac N Cheese and Tuna Helper.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Pretty much all of Larry's cologne or our any candles or wax I have! 

Gender Prediction: Depends on who you talk to! My family- Girl, 
Larrys family- Boy.
 So we shall see.


Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Haha, I'm happy but I can change to moody in a snap of the fingers just ask my husband and primary class! :P

Looking forward to: Finding out what we're having on the 27th!!! 19 More days!! :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We're Expecting!! Week 12...

Ok So I really need to get better at this blogging stuff!! We found out we are pregnant on 
December 18, 2011. The week before Christmas, so we kept the secret all week and surprised our families on Christmas Day. Anyways now I am actually 16 weeks along but I will just have to catch up and fill this out as I go! :)

Week 12 Ultrasound

How far along? 12 weeks

Total weight gain: +3lbs

Maternity clothes? Not yet

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Not very well... Wake up every couple hours to pee!

Best moment this week:
Got to see our little guy or gal moving 
around on the ultrasound and heard the heartbeat, 171 BPM!

Movement: Nothing yet but hopefully soon!

Food cravings: Tuna Helper, Mac N Cheese and Anything from APPLEBEES!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Sweets! If I eat any dessert I 

have to brush my teeth right after!

Gender Prediction: Depends on who you talk to! My family- Girl, 
Larrys family- Boy.
 So we shall see.

Symptoms: I've been really lucky, just don't feel very good most of the time.

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Haha, I'm happy but I can change to moody in a snap of the fingers just ask my husband and primary class! :P

Looking forward to: Finding out what we're baking! :)