Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We're Expecting!! Week 12...

Ok So I really need to get better at this blogging stuff!! We found out we are pregnant on 
December 18, 2011. The week before Christmas, so we kept the secret all week and surprised our families on Christmas Day. Anyways now I am actually 16 weeks along but I will just have to catch up and fill this out as I go! :)

Week 12 Ultrasound

How far along? 12 weeks

Total weight gain: +3lbs

Maternity clothes? Not yet

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Not very well... Wake up every couple hours to pee!

Best moment this week:
Got to see our little guy or gal moving 
around on the ultrasound and heard the heartbeat, 171 BPM!

Movement: Nothing yet but hopefully soon!

Food cravings: Tuna Helper, Mac N Cheese and Anything from APPLEBEES!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Sweets! If I eat any dessert I 

have to brush my teeth right after!

Gender Prediction: Depends on who you talk to! My family- Girl, 
Larrys family- Boy.
 So we shall see.

Symptoms: I've been really lucky, just don't feel very good most of the time.

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Haha, I'm happy but I can change to moody in a snap of the fingers just ask my husband and primary class! :P

Looking forward to: Finding out what we're baking! :)

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