Monday, August 20, 2012

Come on baby, we want to meet you!!!

Well it's getting to the day I never thought would come!! August 21st is tomorrow and it doesn't look like my little Kimber wants to come yet! We are getting so anxious I dont think Larry or I will make it much longer, so she better hurry up! :P I went to the doctor last friday and still no change, she's in position but I'm 50% effaced and not dilated AT ALL!! How discouraging! Doctor scheduled my induction just in case she doesn't come on her own by the night of the 28th at midnight (so I guess technically the 29th) so I guess at least I know she'll be here sometime around then for sure! haha
Anyways not a whole lot is new besides moving and baby stuff. My parents bought a house in Cedar City and it's lovely but the moving process sure takes a long time!! Nana and Papa are here from Virginia for the little stinkers arrival. We got her crib and stuff set up and I think everything else is ready! :)

                   This picture was during set up so it's not totally done in this pic but you get the point. lol

Also, in the moving process, my mom found a sweatshirt that she got when she was pregnant with me.

How far along? 39 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain: +32

Maternity clothes? YES!

Stretch marks? Sadly yes, I do have a few. :(

Sleep: Pretty much no sleep unless it's naps.

Best moment this week: We had a little baby shower in Cedar.

Movement: She's gonna be a dancer thats for sure! :P

Food cravings: Pretty much anything... All I have been thinking about lately is FOOD!! It's terrible!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been pretty good actually :)

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Well she's been moving a ton and I've had contractions, but I'm still not dilated and only 50% effaced.

Belly Button in or out? Its mostly an out-y at this point!

Wedding rings on or off? My rings have been off for a couple months!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Kinda Grouchy! I will admit it, I'm getting to the point where I just want to hold her! :)

Looking forward to: HER ARRIVAL!!!!