Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Will Baby Crose be a BOY or GIRL???

I'm now 17 weeks! Larry bought me the coolest thing the other day, Sonoline B Fetal Doppler! Its totally cool and its easy to find and hear the heartbeat. Makes me a little more relieved about how things are cooking in there! :)

Ok so on the 27th we are going in for our 3D ultrasound to find out what our little munchkin is! I thought it'd be fun to do the Old Wives Tales to see how accurate they are. Here are the results:

Boy=                    Girl=
For me?!
Heart Rate
<140bpm             >140bpm
145 = Girl
Salty/sour               Sweet
Salty/Sour= Boy
Pee & baking soda
Fizzy                     No fizz
No fizz= Girl
No acne          Stealing beauty
Acne= Girl
String & Needle
Back&fourth         Circle
Back & fourth= Boy
Morning Sickness
Mild                      Horrible
Mild = Boy
Chinese Calendar
Age and month of conception determines
Predicted Girl
Bump Position
Low                          high
Carrying Low =Boy
Old Wives Question Test                        

55% BOY 45% Girl

4 Girl
5 Boy

Ok so if the wives tales calculations are correct it looks like we'll be seeing BLUE! We shall see on the 27th!! :) I asked my friends on Facebook which they thought and so far it's pretty even... Keep guessing cause I'm keeping a tally just for fun! We have a 50/50 shot. lol


  1. Congrats!!! I am so excited for you two! I'll just give my two cents here, :), I had no morning sickness, major acne (yuck) and the Chinese gender chart was right on, also go by what you are feeling. Hubby and I both were feeling boy, family (on both sides) really wanted a girl. We are having our little boy in a few more months. I can't wait to hear what you are having. Again, I am so excited for you!!!

  2. You know what, I thought I was having a girl my whole pregnancy(we didn't find out til he was born...)because Bridger's heartbeat was SO high every time, it was like 180. Yeah. Fast. Don't let them trick ;) I kinda feel like you guys are havin a girl though, don't know why. Hope you are feeling great! :)
