Like always I'm not very good at doing this everyday so here's a couple!
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn't have, or something that you are looking forward to.
Ok, a habit that I have that I wish I didn't is PROCRASTINATION!! I am very fond of the saying "Why do something today, when you can put it off 'til tomorrow!" Its been a curse I've had my whole life!! Whether it was homework or cleaning my room.... it was never done until the last minute or not done at all!
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.
One of the places I've been is Mesa Verde with my dad! :) It was a super fun trip!!
I certainly didn't teach you the PROCRASTINATION crap so I can't be blamed. Soooooooooo, GET THOSE THANK YOU NOTES MAILED!!! Trips with dad are always awesome :)