Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Papaya :)

The size of a Papaya! :) I am now 23 weeks along and feeling our little girl move on a regular basis now! Every night as I lay down to go to sleep that's when the party begins :P Larry got to feel her for the first time on Saturday April 21st FINALLY! hahah Oh and I felt the first hiccups just a couple hours ago, weirdest thing to watch your whole belly jump every couple minutes. lol

23 Weeks
(Oh don't worry, all the cool kids take their own pregnancy pics in the bathroom! :P Just ignore the toilet paper roll hahah)
How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain: +8

Maternity clothes? Yeah 

Stretch marks? Not yet

Sleep: Not too bad! :)

Best moment this week: 
Larry felt her move for the first time on April 21st!!

Movement: Yep, every night while I'm trying to go to sleep! :)

Food cravings: I've been eating frosted mini wheats and watermelon like crazy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still don't even want to think of Donuts!

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Back and neck aches

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Sooo Excited!!!!!

Looking forward to: Maybe going on a "babymoon" for our anniversary. :P

Thursday, April 12, 2012

And the verdict is...

Ok so this is way overdue but THE VERDICT IS...

 Looks like we're gonna have a little girl!! We are soo excited! The Ultrasound Tech got two pictures of it being a "her" so hopefully thats good enough to be sure! ;) The name we've picked for our little darlin' is Kimber Lynn Crose and we cannot wait to meet her!!

How far along? 21 Weeks

Total weight gain: +6 total

Maternity clothes? Yep, still not filling them out though.

Stretch marks? Not yet

Sleep: Besides my back and hips hurting, not too bad.

Best moment this week:
Feeling more and more movement. :)

Movement: Yep, felt a little wiggling! March 19, 2012...17 weeks and 6 days along!

Food cravings: CORN DOGS!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Do NOT even mention DONUTS around me!!! :(

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Still terrible headaches!

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!! :)

Looking forward to: Going little girl shopping!!