Monday, May 14, 2012

One Year Anniversary... No big deal ;P

Last week I posted a random post and completely forgot to mention something very important!!!
Our One Year Anniversary!! hahaha How could I forget right?! Ok so last Monday May 7th was our one year wedding anniversary, I cannot believe how fast it's gone! 
So we didn't do anything too exciting... we just chilled all day and then Larry made a VERY gourmet meal of grilled Chili Dogs! But I must say it was my fault cause it was the only thing that sounded good to me at the time.  lol (weird pregnancy!)
I pulled the top of our cake out of freezer on Sunday morning and it was hilarious cause when I opened it up I noticed that there were REAL wilted daisies frozen to the top of the cake. hahaha When my mom and dad were cleaning up after the wedding, they were wrapping the cake and completely forgot to take the flowers off the top cause they were so busy! :P Anyways the cake ended up tasting pretty good surprisingly for a old frozen cake. haha
All I have to say is that I had no idea I could love Larr more than I did when we first got married but as the days go by, I learn more about him and I love him even more! :) 
Happy Anniversary Babe! Many more to come!!!

May 7, 2011

Our FRESH Chocolate and Bavarian Cream Cake 

Happy 1st Anniversary May 7, 2012

Our Chocolate and Strawberry Milk Toast

Not so nice this time!

And he sure got brave!!!

This picture is definitely attractive!  lol

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cauliflower and a little bit of rambling...

Ok so I'm 25 weeks and 3 days now! I can't believe that it's going so quick... well I'm sure it will until I get close and really anxious! lol Anyways not a whole lot has happened this week with the babe, just feeling A LOT of movement and getting more and more uncomfortable as the days go by! 
In other news, my cat Lily got really sick yesterday. She was running around being her normal ol' self all morning then all the sudden became really lethargic. She looks a little better today, won't eat but will drink water, so thats good. But we shall see.. hopefully she just has a little bug and will get over it soon. 
Courtney is graduating soon and my Nana and Papa are coming out from Virginia for a few weeks. :)

Ok now that I've rambled on a little bit, I will do my 25 week update. 

How far along? 25 Weeks

Total weight gain: +9 (feels like more!!)

Maternity clothes? Yep

Stretch marks? I have spotted a few faint lines coming in... :( Gonna have to double up on the belly butter! lol

Sleep: Not very good, hard to get comfy!

Best moment this week:
Umm.. not a whole lot new this week.

Movement: A lot! Especially while the family plays our usual game of Phase 10 at night.

Food cravings: Ok must be a cereal thing I'm going through cause this week it's been Fruit Loops! Also Ice Cream Sandwiches!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been pretty good actually :)

Gender: Girl!! :)

Symptoms: Just the usual aches and pains.

Belly Button in or out? In but definitely getting shallower as the weeks go by

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Of course I'm always happy just ask Larr ;P

Looking forward to: My grandparents coming out to visit!