Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Manti Pageant and the lake

We went to the Manti Pageant on Saturday. This will be the 3rd time in a row that Larry and I have gone together (we've gone every year that we've been dating). This year I felt a little different though... every year when we've gone before I would see the temple and think about the good ol' primary song "I love to see the temple, I'll go inside someday..." and this year the pageant was soo much more special because Larry and I were sealed for eternity in that very temple! The play gave me more goosebumps than usual! :) We had so much fun!! 

Mom made a delicious picnic! :)

Larry got Sunday/Monday off this week so we went to church Sunday and then Monday Larry said "Lets go to the lake and I'll make dutch oven potatoes and chicken!" The water at the lake was pretty warm and it was a lot of fun!!! 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our Honeymoon!

I am really behind on my blogging! We went on a "mini" honeymoon in Vegas for a few days. We went to church Sunday to hear Courtney talk for mother's day, then we left for Vegas! The weather was TERRIBLE the whole time we were there, it was super rainy and cold... IN VEGAS!!The only nice day was the last day we were there! I couldn't believe it! But we made the best of it! ;) 
"Is this the real ceasar's palace? Like did he live here?"

The most expensive Subway we've ever had!! They don't believe in the $5 footlong! Jerks!

Look at the buff stud!

LOVE this!

Larry loves him some Gladys! :P

Love this too! :P

Larr and Uncle Tim wishing they were ShowGirls!

Larry and Ceasar's butt... hahahah i felt like a pervert taking this picture! 
Well the Honeymoon is over and now it's off to "real" life!! :)

Our Wedding!

Ok so I haven't posted in soo long!! Obviously those sixty days have come and gone and we are now Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crose Jr. We were married on May 7th, in the Manti Temple. Then we had a ring ceremony and reception at the Circleville Community Center. It was the most amazing day of my life and a day that I will never forget... The day I married my best friend for eternity! Here's a few pictures of our special day...

My Cute Bridesmaids and Larry's Handsome Groomsmen

Our Cake! We toasted with Chocolate and Strawberry Milk :)

Our family and Friends at the temple